Contact Introducing ERTMS/ETCS
Instappen in Brussel
Migration to ERTMS Level 2/3

The decision of the European Committee to realize one European Railway Area needs deployment of the European Rail Traffic Management system (ERTMS)in all member states. Application on new lines is less complicated than on the existing network. ETCS baseline 2 is operational (v2.3.0d).
The EC decided to develop Baseline 3 to include deployment for conventional rail as well. Many detected issues (CRs) will lead to a significantly improved Baseline 3 (v3.4.0). Next maintenance release v3.5.0. will be published in 2015.
Proper introduction of ERTMS and getting everybody on board still requires professional assistence.

Planning the future
The installed bases in all member states differ from each other. One migration strategy for all does not exist. Is your installed base end of life? Do you have plans to renew rolling stock? You need to realize part of a corridor? You want to built up experience first?

Many questions and aspects will complicate your decision making. Technical expertise and overview are necessary to guide these projects.

Migration to ERTMS / ETCS level 2/3
The ERTMS/ETCS is an ICT system. This demands another way of thinking than deploying classic signalling equipment. The deployment of ERTMS/ETCS cannot be compared with buying an ICT system for your business. Yes, you buy hardware, build in equipment in your trains and install a GSM-R radionetwork. The software shall be installed on your systems.
The big difference is that you join the group of European Single Railway Area users. You will adopt the harmonized rules in order to accept cross border traffic. Every decision you make shall respect the interoperability requirement.

Development of ERTMS:
1989: Decision of European Comittee for "one single railway area" in Europe.
2008: ERTMS baseline 2 first operational version 2.3.0d published.
2008: Start of development Baseline 3 to include conventional rail.
17-4-2012: First publication of ETCS baseline 3 and GSM-R Baseline 0
2016: Planned publication of Baseline 3.

Invoering ERTMS in NL:
2007: HSL Asd-Bxl (1e lijn met ERTMS) en Betuwelijn (Corridor A)
16-05-2012: Rapport "Wissel op de toekomst".
08-06-2012: Principe besluit landelijke invoering ERTMS
05-11-2012: Invoering ERTMS vanaf 2016 (regeerakkoord Rutte II).
13-02-2013: RAILMAP ERTMS v1.0 Startbeslissing
03-12-2013: RAILMAP ERTMS v2.0 Stand van zaken verkenningsfase
01-04-2014: RAILMAP ERTMS v3.0 Nota Alternatieven
01-07-2015: Einde ERTMS-pilot Amsterdam - Utrecht.